Membrane Bio-Reactor technology has been around since the late 1960s and as the technology improved and the production cost became affordable it gradually became the top choice for compact package wastewater treatment plants. It combines the conventional method of biological treatment process (activated sludge) with ultra-filtration through its membrane cassettes.
This filtration system in most cases can remove suspended solids, colloidal material, sewage microbes, and even bacteria and eliminates the need for large clarifying or sedimentation tanks normally found in conventional treatment plants. The results are high standards effluent that can be discharged to any body of water or recycled for use in irrigation or road washing- doing all this at a small fraction of the size of other wastewater treatment methods.
Adopting innovative membrane bio-reactor (MBR) technology that combines membrane ultrafiltration with traditional bioreactor activated sludge treatment.
The membrane uses microscopic pores to create a physical barrier that solids and pathogens cannot get past, producing the highest quality effluent possible today.
The replaceable MBR cassettes inside can effectively enhance nitrogen removal performance and filter out microscopic level particles and organisms
Remote monitoring and control through the environmental intelligent cloud platform available
The first part of the two part wastewater treatment system is the traditional biological treatment process, also known as activated sludge or conventional activated sludge (CAS), which is the process for treating sewage or industrial waste by using aeration and biological floc composed of bacteria and protozoa to make the carbon based suspended solids "floc" together and form big enough particles that can be then filtered in the MBR.
Through this process, aerobic micro-organisms are introduced that can then digest organic matter in the sewage, and clump particles together by flocculation as they do so. The aeration part ensures that these microorganisms continue to multiply and thrive adding to the treatment process.
As more and more solids are formed it becomes a "sludge" like material than can then be periodically separated or pumped out making sure the the MBR does not get too overloaded.
The heart of our package treatment plants is the MBR, which is one of the most important innovations in wastewater treatment recently as it is an efficient hybrid of a conventional biological treatment system and physical liquid–solid separation using membrane ultrafiltration in a single system.
The membrane cartridges are made from either polymeric or ceramic type material that has pore sizes in the coarse ultrafiltration (UF) range of generally, between 0.02 and 0.1 µm. These very small pore sizes is able to filter out suspended solids, colloidal material, sewage microbes, and even bacteria and eliminates the need for large clarifying or sedimentation tanks normally found in conventional treatment plants.
The MBR technology provides the following advantages over traditional treatment methods:
High-quality effluent
Higher volumetric loading rates
Shorter hydraulic retention times (HRT)
Longer solid retention times (SRT)
Less excess sludge production
Potential for simultaneous nitrification/denitrification in long SRTs
Eliminates the need for secondary clarifiers and sedimentation tanks resulting in significantly reduced plant area requirements.